Secret Kitchen: Chon papti

Does it matter? Many things eaten at a young age are a union of our lives. Green mango sprinkled with salt chilli powder, turmeric orange sprinkled sprinkled with tapioca, sugar beetroot, a beautiful color of paper, and a handful of pumpkin, pumpkin pumpkin, peppercorns, salt, chili peppers, big gooseberry, salt chili powder , Subdirectory Auburn, Simea Eyes, Milk Eyes, Pulled Sling Pulled Necklace and Watches Hawk candy There are also separate clocks for sweets in the night. Large glass jars in a balanced beauty, spacious Paul Goa, purby, and another big jar is full of sunbird!

Earlier, the Son Baptist had a bit of pink, very thin wing, and sold off in jars. It comes in the form of a thin mild layer over time. This is what is known as 'Phesha' if there are still some layers. Bihar is the origin of Son Son. The history of the Sone River was originally in this sweet habit. Soon when you fill in the mouth of the sand. A pinch of light and a flask is dipped in the mouth. Pre-shaped pattern like the sponge of the Son's Pub. Pattisa,

It is also called parsha. In some cases, the lighter yellow or white color is applied to the mouth to soften the skin of the skin again ... to add to the taste ... But this is a very difficult job to do. This is what I tried so many times in my sweetest times. Little carelessness will move to a different shape or taste.

Soon Baptist Recipe is a lot of internet. Many of the famous culinary artists make the Son Buffett Recipe in a variety of ways. The quantities, the composition and the ingredient also vary each year. The need for a lot of recipe was needed because it would have to try different recipes and simplify it and give the final shape.

Soon BapDi North Indian sweet, I tried mostly in traditional way. Tradition is a little too much work Hotels, all in large sweets are machine. At the specific moment of the particular speed will happen. If at home you have at least two to make a good son at home. No matter what you do not. Not a little ... Need a lot of patience!

I tried SON PAPI in many ways. First discourse. The ordinary vector is the term used in each stage. This is more important to handle. Usually add the lemon to the bag. Add lemon juice to the soup buffet. However, pulling the wrap into the sano pump should pull the thread as a thread. So it's important to add some things to it. Some people add honey. Some people use milk. Some people use liquefied glucose.

There is a variety of methods that can be mixed with oatmeal ... The Secret Kitchen's Purpose Trying to make any recipe repeatedly and simplify how to make it simpler at home? Simplify the Son
Offer. If you have some patience and curiosity, this buffet will come easily!

Since the passage is very important, it is important to add to it. If you mix honey with sugar, a lumpy and liquefied glucose mix will come in a different color. Liquid glucose is available in department stores and bakery stores. Price is short. The passage of the pass is passing through different levels. The faint phrase first comes (like jamun), half a wire, a wire term, two wire, orbital teeth, and tomato fruit.

When two strings pass through two and a half, three will take a little dip and leave it in the water and stay underneath it. If you roll in the hands and roll up, you will find the elliptical term. This is the correct term. Addition of liquefied glucose comes in the mango trail. First prepare a mixture of flour to the sunbird. Then prepare the sugar syrup. Both mixing is important. If you take this into consideration, you will definitely get a layer of the layer as a layer. Or the earliest standard Pattisha comes. No matter what the goods are wasted!

To your attention ...

Liquefied glucose is essential in sugar. Otherwise, you can put the bacon in a slightly more mature piece.

In the first case, big layers do not get much. This is the perfect method for Pattisha. The second type of sunbird is the best way to get rid of mouth in the mouth. Many layers will come, as many push up.

Be careful in handling the bow syrup. 3 times more dangerous than uterine ulcers. So, very carefully, hand
Wait until hot. The nostrils need to stir up the pitch. Or the bottom of the crystal, the bottom crystal form also turns out. It is necessary to stir steadily. Add ghee or ghee + dlalta. A lot of ghee does not get a lot of layer. It's a bit smoother. Keep the dough level 1: 2. That is, 2 cups ghee for a cup of flour. First pour one cup of water and mix the dough. Then add it if necessary. Mango's yellow color will be turned brown after it is done.Chicare Recipe - SON BABY What is needed? Prepare them before mixing the flour and flour ... 1. Oil-coated nonsmith character 2. Wide basin or chapel or cuisine can be used. This will require pulling sugar. Put the powdered saucepan and pistachio mixtures in the tray. 1 cup - 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 2 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 2 Roll on fire. Add the millet and mix it well. When the small bubbles come in the form of paste, turn off the oven. Mix the mixture into the sugar ... sugar, liquefied glucose, water - mix it together (dissolve the sugar mostly), then pour the oven into the oven. Remove the mold from the oven. Replace the oil in the oil-coated non stick pan. Stir up the barrel of the change. Now you can make two types of synapse. The first type of dough in a bowl mixture is poured directly into the bowl and folded by 2 spoons. Do not shoot. You need to fold as a foil to make the cake. If you patiently get a form like a thread. Apply it in a bowl, pistachio powder and let it cool down.It is the second type of dish in the nasal bowl in the kitchen / cappuccino. If you change the dough by dragging it in the picture and dragging the dough, it will come as a thread at one point. Now let's tear it down and tie it off.

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